KPK District Education Department has confirmed that they will send appointment notices to teachers in colleges and schools within the district. According to the information it appears that the Directorate of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESD) of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) has given approval to issue appointment letters to nearly 900 teachers. Candidates who have passed the test by writing and are listed in the required position on the merit lists now Education Department issue the appointment note or call letter for the candidates who have been selected to fill their positions. Candidates must download the appointment letter and then go to where they are to be for the meeting.
In the past few days it was announced that The ETEA testing service announced vacancies for school administrators and thousands of applicants have submitted applications for the position of school leaders. Additionally, there are those who are looking for their ETEA School Leader Test Results in 2025. ETEA has completed their test for the school Leader testing successfully. Thus, candidates who attended the school leader testing session. They can access the ETEA school leader results 2025 with their name and roll number. But, Educational Testing Evaluation & Agency KPK offers answers to the questions, results and merit list on the internet.
KPK School Leader Appointment Letter
Candidates can check their ETEA school leaders’ results at present. Soon , it will show the final results on their official site After that, you will be able to check the call letters and schedules of interviews of those who were shortlisted. They must appear prior to ETEA interview penalty for further satisfaction. Therefore, you must fill in your roll number for getting the ETEA school merit list for teachers 2025 by clicking the URL directly below.
KPK government has announced jobs with a minimum of 16 , and also the conduct of writing the test is complete, but certain candidates don’t know what to do to check their results. However it is official ETEA has released the results on its official website. Just input the roll number and then the result will appear in your computer screen. You can also check the table below and obtain the ETEA School Leader result 2025 on this page.
School Leader Jobs Merit List 2025
At present the School Leader jobs merit list for 2025 has not been released by the administration, since they will conduct interviews with all applicants and only those who meet the requirements for the list of merits will be picked. The candidates who completed the exam are now waiting for the interview and after that, will announce an entire list of applicants who will be on this list.
KPK School Leader Call Letter Online
In June of this year the KP government decided to allow regularization of thousands of college and high school teachers as well as ex FATA project employees as well as thousands of medical professionals. According to the information the provincial government will create 58,000 college and school teachers permanent. 4,070 workers from the former FATA project, and 720 ad-hoc physicians will also be regularized. In total the KP government plans to regularize approximately 63,000 employees.
KPK School Leader Appointment Letter Call Letter Online
The administration in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is taking tangible actions to promote the education sector. The Elementary and Secondary Education Department (E&SE) has taken the decision to hire 3000 school leaders who will have a significant role in increasing the standard of educational education by assisting and coaching teachers.
Elementary and Secondary Education kpk School Leader
Based on the documents that are available in APP According to documents on APP, there would be a single school head for each of the ten schools. The move will alter the way schools are monitored positively and positively. To fill the gap in teachers in schools The KP education department is expected to recruit 27,000 teachers to tackle the issue of teacher staff in schools to an extent and provide a high-quality education for everyone.
School Leader Jobs Merit List 2025
You can verify your results by with the help of your roll number, or enter the CNIC number. The government has 1500 open posts for school administrators in 1495 which are available to males and 1005 open to females. The entire districts of KPK are listed in the job announcement. All candidates of all genders are able examine their performance here. Online Appointment Letter
Today, ETEA has declared the results of the written test for school administrators as well as every candidate can see their marks sheets for the exam. If you’ve passed the test, then you can prepare for your interview since the KPK government has released a list of schools’ leadership positions, however thousands of candidates have submitted applications for jobs. They will be interviewed and only the candidates that meet the requirements of selection. Then, get an appointment letters by ETEA and/or KPK government.