MS Power Point Test 2 Online Preparation MS Power Point Test 2 Online Preparation With Answer Start Below 1234567891011121314151617181920Show paginator Hide paginatorComputer General 1. In Microsoft PowerPoint toolbars that are displayed by default in the PowerPoint window includesMenu bar, standard toolbar, status bar, drawing toolbarStandard toolbar, formatting toolbar, drawing toolbar, status barMenu bar, standard toolbar, formatting toolbar, drawing toolbar, status barMenu bar, standard toolbar, formatting toolbar, drawing toolbar, status barQuestion 1 of 20 Loading... 2. In Microsoft PowerPoint any and every command can be found on theFormatting toolbarDrawing toolbarMenu barStandard toolbarQuestion 2 of 20 Loading... 3. In Microsoft PowerPoint slide show options available to the presenter include all of the following exceptTransitions commandSpeaker notes commandNavigation commandsMeeting reminder commandQuestion 3 of 20 Loading... 4. In Microsoft PowerPoint following should be used when you want to add a slide to an existing presentationInsert, new slideFile, newFile, add a new slideFile, openQuestion 4 of 20 Loading... 5. In Microsoft PowerPoint view that displays only text (title and bullets) isNotes page viewSlide showOutline viewSlide sorter viewQuestion 5 of 20 Loading... 6. In Microsoft PowerPoint presentation designs regulate the formatting and layout for the slide and are commonly calledTemplatesDesign platesBlueprintsPlaceholdersQuestion 6 of 20 Loading... 7. In Microsoft PowerPoint the following is the default page setup orientation for slides in PowerPointVerticalPortraitLandscapeNone of aboveQuestion 7 of 20 Loading... 8. In Microsoft PowerPoint view that displays the slides on a presentation as miniature representations of the slides is calledOutline viewSlide showNotes page viewSlide sorter viewQuestion 8 of 20 Loading... 9. In Microsoft PowerPoint the following presentation elements can you modify using the slide masterSlide commentsAll of aboveSpeaker note font and colorSlide transitionsQuestion 9 of 20 Loading... 10. In Microsoft PowerPoint are symbols used to identify items in a listMarkersBulletsGraphicsIconsQuestion 10 of 20 Loading... 11. In Microsoft PowerPoint the following by passes the print dialog box when printing individual slides or an entire present ationThe print buttonFile, printCtrl + PFile, print, previewQuestion 11 of 20 Loading... 12. In Microsoft PowerPoint the best way to design the layout for your slidesCreate layouts for slides, handouts and notes using the Master Layout dialog box in slide master viewFor each new slide, select a layout from the Slide Layout task paneApply templates from the Slide Design task paneNone of aboveQuestion 12 of 20 Loading... 13. In Microsoft PowerPoint you can show the shortcut menu during the slide show byClicking the shortcut button on the formatting toolbar(A) and (B) bothClicking an icon on the current slideRight clicking the current slideQuestion 13 of 20 Loading... 14. In Microsoft PowerPoint the following features should you use when typing in he notes text boxInsertSlide showsSlide masterZoomQuestion 14 of 20 Loading... 15. In Microsoft PowerPoint auto clipart is a feature thatAll of aboveScans your presentation for incorrect spelling in your words on each slideScans your presentation for incorrect spelling in Word Arts objectsAutomatically places clipart in your presentationQuestion 15 of 20 Loading... 16. In Microsoft PowerPoint the following is not an option when printing handoutsThree slides per pageFive slides per pageTwo slides per pageSix slides per pageQuestion 16 of 20 Loading... 17. In Microsoft PowerPoint the following provides a printed copy of your presentationAudience handoutsSpeaker notesAll of the aboveOutlineQuestion 17 of 20 Loading... 18. In Microsoft PowerPoint the following is the default page setup orientation for notes pages, outlines and handoutsLandscapePortraitNone of aboveVerticalQuestion 18 of 20 Loading... 19. In Microsoft PowerPoint the entry effect as one slide replaces another in a show is calledAnimationPreset animationCustom animationSlide transitionQuestion 19 of 20 Loading... 20. In Microsoft PowerPoint slide that is used to introduce a topic and set the tone for the presentation is called theBullet slideTitle slideGraph slideTable slideQuestion 20 of 20 Loading... Loading... Related Study Posts:SEPCO Bill Online Check Sukkur Electric Power CompanyKPK Electric Inspector Energy And Power ETEA Jobs…MDCAT Test English Test Online PreparationMDCAT Test Physics Test Online PreparationMDCAT Test Biology Test Online PreparationMDCAT Test Chemistry Test Online PreparationMath Test Preparation OnlineASF Written Test Preparation Online McqsPAF Test Preparation Books Download Online PdfOnline ECAT Test Preparation Mcqs