Ms Word Test 2 Preparation Online Ms Word Test 2 Preparation Online With Answer Start Below 12345678910111213141516171819Show paginator Hide paginatorComputer General 1. In Microsoft Word move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraphShortcut CTRL+DOWN ARROWShortcut CTRL+LEFT ARROWNone of theseShortcut CTRL+RIGHT ARROWQuestion 1 of 19 Loading... 2. In Microsoft Word shortcut key CTRL+N is used forOpen Next DocumentOpen the Open dialog boxOpen the Favorites barOpen New DocumentQuestion 2 of 19 Loading... 3. In Microsoft Word shortcut for paste isCTRL+XCTRL+VNone of theseCTRL+CQuestion 3 of 19 Loading... 4. In Microsoft Word shortcut CTRL+A is toSelect allHighlight a block of textPaste somethingDelete somethingQuestion 4 of 19 Loading... 5. In Microsoft Word shortcut CTRL+C is used forNone of theseCutCopyPasteQuestion 5 of 19 Loading... 6. In Microsoft Word shortcut for copy is:None of theseCTRL+XCTRL+CCTRL+VQuestion 6 of 19 Loading... 7. In Microsoft Word move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraphCTRL+DOWN ARROWCTRL+UP ARROWCTRL+RIGHT ARROWCTRL+LEFT ARROWQuestion 7 of 19 Loading... 8. In Microsoft Word shortcut key CTRL+E is used forAlign Text CentreAlign Text RightAlign Text LeftEnter New PageQuestion 8 of 19 Loading... 9. In Microsoft Word shortcut key CTRL+O is used forStart another instance of the browser with the same Web addressOpen the Favorites barOpen the Open dialog boxOpen the Open dialog box, the same as CTRL+LQuestion 9 of 19 Loading... 10. In Microsoft Word move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraphNone of theseCTRL+RIGHT ARROWCTRL+DOWN ARROWCTRL+LEFT ARROWQuestion 10 of 19 Loading... 11. In Microsoft Word using SHIFT with any of the arrow keysPaste somethingDelete somethingHighlight a block of textSelect more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text in a documentQuestion 11 of 19 Loading... 12. In Microsoft Word shortcut key CTRL+B is used forBold TextOpen the Search barAlign Text CenterUnderline TextQuestion 12 of 19 Loading... 13. In Microsoft Word move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous wordShortcut CTRL+DOWN ARROWShortcut CTRL+LEFT ARROWNone of theseShortcut CTRL+RIGHT ARROWQuestion 13 of 19 Loading... 14. In Microsoft Word shortcut key CTRL+H is used forOpen Replace Dialog BoxOpen the History barOpen the Organize Favorites dialog boxStart the Find utilityQuestion 14 of 19 Loading... 15. In Microsoft Word shortcut key CTRL+F is used forStart the Find utilityOpen the Organize Favorites dialog boxOpen the Search barOpen the History barQuestion 15 of 19 Loading... 16. In Microsoft Word to paste something after cutting the following shortcut is usedCTRL+VCTRL+CCTRL+XNone of theseQuestion 16 of 19 Loading... 17. In Microsoft Word using CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keysDelete somethingHighlight a block of textPaste somethingNone of theseQuestion 17 of 19 Loading... 18. In Microsoft Word shortcut key CTRL+I is used forInsert DialogNone of theseItalic TextAlign CenterQuestion 18 of 19 Loading... 19. In Microsoft Word shortcut key CTRL+P is used forUpdate the current Web pageClose the current windowNone of theseOpen the Print dialog boxQuestion 19 of 19 Loading... Loading... Related Study Posts:MDCAT Test English Test Online PreparationMDCAT Test Physics Test Online PreparationMDCAT Test Biology Test Online PreparationMDCAT Test Chemistry Test Online PreparationMath Test Preparation OnlineASF Written Test Preparation Online McqsPAF Test Preparation Books Download Online PdfOnline ECAT Test Preparation McqsFPSC SST Test Preparation Mcqs OnlineGeneral Science Test Preparation Online