Frontier Scouts Cadet College Warsak Peshawar has announced admissions for the 8th class. This is a wonderful opportunity for students who have been eagerly waiting for such an admission. FSCCW is inviting application forms from students who have passed their 7th class for admission into the 8th class. The 15th entry test for eligible candidates was conducted on December 5th. The entry test included subjects like Mathematics, English, General Science, Urdu, and Islamiyat multiple-choice questions. All the necessary information regarding Cadet College Peshawar, including application forms, eligibility criteria, last date for form submission, test date, roll number slip, entry test results, and final merit list of selected candidates, can be found here.
FSCCW Application Forms/Prospectus 2025
FSCCW college prospectus or application form is available on payment of Rs. 2000 from college official website or office. Interested candidates must download prospectus with application forms from website and be sent along with bank deposit slip of Rs. 2000 in college account. Download Online Registration Forms
FSCCW Roll Number Slips 2025
Students who are interested in Frontier Scouts Cadet College Warsak Peshawar and submit complete form before closing date. The eligible candidates are able to download online FSCCU roll number slip form official website or on this page before test date. FSCCW roll number slip have candidates name, father name, roll number, test date, test center and more.
Cadet College Warsak Result 2025L
Cadet College Warsak Peshawar conduct the entry test of eligible candidates on 5th December 2025 at Peshawar, Mardan, Kohat, Bannu, Dera Ismail Khan, Bajaur, Rawalpindi, Swat and Lahore test centers. Candidates who appear in written test now able to check their result online on here.
Interview/Medical Examination
The candidates who appear in entry test and passed the written test with good marks are eligible for interview. Students who clear written test and interview are called for medical examination. Schedule of interview and medical examination will provided on here.
Cadet College Warsak Admission 2025 for 8th Class Online forms Test Date Roll No Slip
Frontier Scouts Cadet College Merit List
The students who passed the written test with good marks and now waiting the final merit list of FSCCW. The qualified candidates of written test will be called for interview and medical examination. FSCCW merit list show position of candidates who are eligible for 8th class admission. Frontier Scouts Cadet College Warsak Peshawar invites online application forms with single fee 14th November and late fee submission date is 21st November 2025. Candidates must submit complete application forms before closing date.
8th class Admission Eligibility Criteria
- Candidates studying in class – VII must have passed class 7th by April 2025.
- Candidates studying in class 7th and falling in the given age limit can also apply.
- Age limit minimum 12 year and maximum 14 year on 31st March 2025.
How to Apply
- First of all candidates visit official website or nearest Cadet College Office.
- Get Prospectus and application forms online.
- Candidates fill form carefully with deposit slip of Rs. 2000 send to Cadet College Warsak headquarter.
- Incomplete and late submission forms are not entertained.