nfe punjab gov pk login Portal

The Literacy & Non Formal Basic Education Department is responsible for implementing the Government’s policy on literacy and non-formal education. The department also provides support to the formal education system by offering basic literacy and numeracy programmes. The department also manages the National Literacy Mission. The Literacy and Non-Formal Basic Education Department is responsible for planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the non-formal basic education programmes. It also works in close collaboration with other government departments and agencies, as well as with civil society organisations, to ensure that the target population has access to quality education.

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The Literacy and Non Formal Basic Education Department (LNFE) of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (MECS) is responsible for the promotion of literacy and non-formal basic education in the country. The department is mandated to provide literacy and non-formal education services to out-of-school youth and adults. It also implements the National Literacy Mission (NLM) and the National Adult Education Programme (NAEP). The LNFE also provides support to the formal education system in the country by way of teacher training and curriculum development.

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The National Education Foundation (NEF) is an autonomous, not-for-profit organization established in 2006. The Foundation is committed to promoting and supporting quality education for all Pakistani children, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The NEF’s Literacy and Non-Formal Basic Education Department (L&NFBED) is responsible for implementing the Foundation’s literacy and non-formal education programs. The department’s work is focused on three main areas:

  1. Developing and implementing literacy programs for adults and out-of-school children;
  2. Providing support to government and non-government organizations working in the field of literacy and non-formal education; and
  3. Conducting research and documentation on literacy and non-formal education.

nfe punjab gov pk login Portal

nfe punjab gov pk login Portal

The L&NFBED has been working in the Punjab Province since 2008. The Foundation’s literacy program in the province is called the Punjab Literacy and Non-Formal Education Project (PLNFE). The project is being implemented in partnership with the Government of the Punjab and is funded by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID). Login to Dashboard

nfe teacher training portal

The National Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), under the Ministry of Education, is the nodal agency for teacher education in Pakistan. The National Foundation for Teacher Education (NFTE) was set up under NIEPA in September 2005 as an autonomous body to carry out teacher education activities in the non-formal sector.

The NFTE is mandated to (i) develop and disseminate need-based non-formal teacher education programs; (ii) establish, promote and maintain linkages with other institutions engaged in non-formal teacher education; (iii) act as a resource centre for non-formal teacher educators; (iv) monitor and evaluate non-formal teacher education programs; and (v) undertake research and policy studies related to non-formal teacher education.

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The NFTE has been implementing the National Teacher Education Programme (NTEP) since 2006-07.  The main objectives of the NTEP are to (i) improve the quality of non-formal teachers; (ii) develop a cadre of non-formal teacher educators; and (iii) establish and strengthen non-formal teacher education institutions.

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