Aptitude Mathematics Speed And Work Test Mcqs Online Preparation Aptitude Mathematics Speed And Work Test Mcqs With Answers Online Preparation Start Below 123456789101112131415Show paginator Hide paginator 7% Question 1 of 15 1. A and B can do a work in 8 days, B and C can do the same work in 12 days. A , B and C together can finish it in 6 days. A and C together will do it in ?A. 12 DaysB. 4 DaysC. 6 DaysD. 8 DaysQuestion 1 of 15 Loading... Question 2 of 15 2. A train passes over a bridge of length 200 m in 49 seconds if the speed of the train is 81 km per hour, its length is ?A. 1800 mB. 900 mC. 700 mD. 600 mQuestion 2 of 15 Loading... Question 3 of 15 3. Which of the following trains is the faster ?A. 1500 m/minB. 25 m/secC. NoneD. 90 km/hrQuestion 3 of 15 Loading... Question 4 of 15 4. A car takes 5 hours to cover a distance of 300 km. How much should the speed in km/hr be maintained to cover the same distance in 4/5th of the previous time ?A. 120B. 48C. 60D. 75Question 4 of 15 Loading... Question 5 of 15 5. A is twice as fast as B and B is thrice as fast as C. The Journey covered by C in 42 minutes will be covered by A in ?A. 28 MinB. 35 MinC. 14 MinD. 7 MinQuestion 5 of 15 Loading... Question 6 of 15 6. I have to be at a certain place at a certain time and find that I shall be 20 minutes too late if I walk at 3 km/hr and 10 minutes too soon if I walk at 4 kin/hr. How far I have to walk ?A. 12.5 kmB. 14 kmC. 6 kmD. 10 kmQuestion 6 of 15 Loading... Question 7 of 15 7. Sound travels at 330 meters a second. How many kilometers away is thunder cloud when its sound follows the flash after 10 seconds ?A. 0.33B. 3.33C. 33D. 3.3Question 7 of 15 Loading... Question 8 of 15 8. Two men start together to walk a certain distance at 3.75 km and 3 km per hr respectively. The former arrives 30 minutes before the distance to be walked is ?A. 12.5 kmB. 7.5 kmC. 10 kmD. 15 kmQuestion 8 of 15 Loading... Question 9 of 15 9. The ratio between the rates of walking of A and B is 2 : 3, if the time taken by B to cover a certain distance is 36 minutes, the time in minutes taken by A to cover that much distance in minutes is ?A. 24B. 48C. 54D. 38Question 9 of 15 Loading... Question 10 of 15 10. If I would have been twice as efficient as today, then I would have finished a work in 12 Days. If my efficiency is reduced to reduced to one-third of what it is at present, then in how many days, I would be able to finish the work ?A. 52B. 15C. 72D. 8Question 10 of 15 Loading... Question 11 of 15 11. A ,B and together can complete a piece of work in 10 days. All the three started working at it together and after 4 days , A left. then, B and C together completed the work in 10 more days. A lone can complete the work in ?A. 16 DaysB. 50 DaysC. 25 DaysD. 15 DaysQuestion 11 of 15 Loading... Question 12 of 15 12. If 2 men and 3 boys can do a piece of work in 8 days, while 3 men and 2 boys can do it in 7 days, how long will 5 men and 4 boys take to do it ?A. 3 DaysB. 5 DaysC. 4 DaysD. 6 DaysQuestion 12 of 15 Loading... Question 13 of 15 13. A train covers a distance between station A and station B in 45 minutes. If the speed of the train is reduced by 5 km/hr, then the same distance is covered in 48 minutes. What is the distance between the stations A and B ?A. 64 kmB. 80 kmC. 60 kmD. 55 kmQuestion 13 of 15 Loading... Question 14 of 15 14. Walking 6/7th of his usual speed, a man is 12 minutes too late. The usual time taken by him to cover that distance is ?A. 1 HourB. 1 Hour 15 MinC. 1 Hour 20 MinD. 1 Hour 12 MinQuestion 14 of 15 Loading... Question 15 of 15 15. A, B and C together can do a piece of work in 20 days. After working with B and C for 8 days, A leaves and then B and C complete the remaining work in 20 days more. In how many days, A alone could do the work ?A. 60B. 50C. 40D. 80Question 15 of 15 Loading... Loading... Related Study Posts:Aptitude Preparation Mcqs OnlineASF Written Test Preparation Online McqsOnline ECAT Test Preparation McqsFPSC SST Test Preparation Mcqs OnlinePPSC Lecturer Test Preparation Online McqsTESCO Jobs Online NTS Test Preparation McqsLecturer Test KPPSC Preparation Mcqs OnlineFIA ASI Sub Inspectors Job 2025 OTS Test Preparation…SPSC SST Test Preparation Mcqs Online with SyllabusFPSC Test Preparation Mcqs Online Subject Wise