Corel Draw Test Preparation Online Mcqs Corel Draw Test Preparation Online Mcqs With Answer Start Below 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425Show paginator Hide paginatorUncategorized 1. What is the shortcut key to combine the selected objects?CtrI +YCtrl +QCtrI +KCtrl +LQuestion 1 of 25 Loading... 2. CorelDraw is a ____________ based drawing Application Package?BitmapVectorPhoto paintScalarQuestion 2 of 25 Loading... 3. You can create preset guidelines using the ______?None of the aboveReplace wizardCollect for output optionOptions dialog boxQuestion 3 of 25 Loading... 4. A graphic work with Red, Yellow, Black and White has __________ colour separation?355 1/24Question 4 of 25 Loading... 5. The default size for the design of complimentary card is _________?3.0 by 2.05.0 by 3.02.0 by 1.52.0 by 2.0Question 5 of 25 Loading... 6. What is the shortcut key to toggles snapping to objects?Alt + Shft + DCtrl +LAlt +ZCtrI +GQuestion 6 of 25 Loading... 7. When light colour texts are placed on a light colour background, it needs the following application?A dull outline applied to the textTransparency applied to the backgroundAll of the aboveTransparency applied to the textQuestion 7 of 25 Loading... 8. What is the default paper type/size when you open CorelDraw windows?PostcardB2A4Letter Question 8 of 25 Loading... 9. Shft + PgDn is the shortcut key to place the selected object(s) back one position in the object stacking order?FALSETRUEQuestion 9 of 25 Loading... 10. ___________ tool is used for cropping?Zoom toolShape toolPick toolKnife tool Question 10 of 25 Loading... 11. We have ____________ paper Orientation in CorelDraw?6234Question 11 of 25 Loading... 12. How many colours separation do we have in CorelDraw?6342Question 12 of 25 Loading... 13. What is the shortcut key to specifies fountain flits for objects?F6Alt + F4F11Ctrl + BQuestion 13 of 25 Loading... 14. In Corel Draw the keyboard shortcut to save your drawing is?OuCtrl +aCtrl +cCtrl +sCtrl +zQuestion 14 of 25 Loading... 15. Spacebar toggles between the current tool and the Pick tool?TRUEFALSEQuestion 15 of 25 Loading... 16. What is the shortcut key to displays a full-screen preview of the graphic or drawing?F2F 1F9F4Question 16 of 25 Loading... 17. When an A2 paper is divided equally from the centre, which size will you obtain?B3A4A5A3Question 17 of 25 Loading... 18. Which of the following file types can be modified while applying filters on them?AnimationRasterAll of the aboveVectorQuestion 18 of 25 Loading... 19. Green and white has two colour separations?FalseTrueQuestion 19 of 25 Loading... 20. The zoom tool is used for ___________ objects?Magnifying EmbeddingCropping Marquee selecting Question 20 of 25 Loading... 21. How can you import multiple consecutive files in one go?Shift + Control + Alt + Select the first and last filesAlt + Select the first and last filesShift + Select the first and last filesControl + Select the first and last filesQuestion 21 of 25 Loading... 22. N brings up the Navigator window allowing you to navigate to any object in the document?TrueFalseQuestion 22 of 25 Loading... 23. Which technique is used for specifying the spacing increments for snapping text to the path?KerningLeadingSnappingTick SpacingQuestion 23 of 25 Loading... 24. In a bookwork of ten pages, one of the sheets will contain the following numbering?1&21&102&93&5 Question 24 of 25 Loading... 25. ______________ is used for selecting and deselecting objects?Bezier toolFreehand toolPick tool Shape toolQuestion 25 of 25 Loading... Loading... Related Study Posts:ASF Written Test Preparation Online McqsOnline ECAT Test Preparation McqsFPSC SST Test Preparation Mcqs OnlinePPSC Lecturer Test Preparation Online McqsTESCO Jobs Online NTS Test Preparation McqsLecturer Test KPPSC Preparation Mcqs OnlineFIA ASI Sub Inspectors Job 2025 OTS Test Preparation…SPSC SST Test Preparation Mcqs Online with SyllabusFPSC Test Preparation Mcqs Online Subject WiseIB Pakistan NTS Jobs 2025 Online Test Preparation Mcqs