How to Make Best Study Notes for Exams Complete guideline share on this page. Whether you want to succeed in school or you want to be on top of your professional career, effective note-taking is a valuable skill for retaining, remembering, reciting and recalling information. Note taking facilitates learning as it involves, not only hearing the lecture, but also muscular and kinetic senses as well as vision. The act of writing information down consolidates it in your memory in a way that you can’t achieve by only reading. While there are many other methods that your teen should employ while studying.
Best Way to Study Notes for A Test
Taking notes is an anonymous hero of reading skills. There is a difference between using the right style for you and hitting a subject. This will help you prepare for your college courses and your future career. Whether you are reviewing your weekly lessons or preparing for the exam, the way you take notes can help you with your studies. Note taking is an incredibly effective but rarely used tool. If you do it right, you can perform better, have confidence in your studies, and be one step ahead of your peers after entering college.
How to Make Notes From Test Book
How to Make Best Study Notes for Exams
How to Write Good Study Notes
Good study notes:
- Study notes are created by student in two ways. First the ideas may be collected and then a proper shape is given to these ideas to make final notes. Ideas from lecture while it is delivered by teacher as well as ideas from written material are collected to make study notes. Collecting ideas and giving proper shape to them for making notes explained below.
Exam Notes Template
Collecting notes Class Lecture:
- Have a sheet and a pen while sitting classroom for writing down the important ideas shared by your teacher.
- Be attentive while listening to the lecture.
- Write down all the jargons terminologies important definitions which are shared by your teacher during the lecture.
- The teacher may share such information which may not be mentioned your course books note them down they are very helpful. The give you helpful information in addition to what is in book.
Compare your notes:
- To ensure your notes are as accurate and detailed as possible, compare them with the notes of other students after class is over. This is useful because your colleagues will frequently write down lecture details that you forgot or missed. This strategy will make classroom notes more thorough and precise.
Use abbreviations and symbols:
Study Notes Layout
- Since teachers usually cover a lot of information during each lecture, it can be hard to write down everything important they say. This is why we recommend using symbols and that you abbreviate long words and use short phrases in your notes when possible. Many students use the following symbols and abbreviations while taking notes: & (and), w/o (without), eg (for example), ie (that is). When utilizing abbreviations, create a key of your most commonly used abbreviations, so you will not forget what they are.
Write clearly:
The most copious notes will be of no benefit if you can’t read them. This is why it is important to use good penmanship when taking notes. It is also recommended that you leave space in margins and near key concepts in your notepad, so you can add important details relating to previous lecture topics that are addressed during future lectures.
Review your notes:
In order to retain information discussed during lectures, it is best to review notes immediately after class. This will help you better understand the lecture, your notes, and it will enable you to focus on what you just learned for long-term retention. You should review your notes a second time just before your next lecture. This will help refresh in your mind important topics and concepts, and prepare you for the next lecture. You should continue to review your notes on a regular basis between your lectures and your exams.
How to Make Study Notes Online
- It is better to write your study notes in a note book or a register whose pages may not easily detached.
- If you are using loose pages for your making study notes you should have a folder for saving thee pages. In such a case you should also write page number on each page so that pages may not be mixed in wrong order.
- Write name of subject on your note book or folder having the study notes. Keep your study notes in cupboard or other safe place to save them for later use as you will have to use them many times. Nowadays most of the students write and save their study notes on computer. In such a case students should make a separate folder so that it may not get deflected by mistake.