Essay on Bright Future of Pakistan in English

We are the citizens of an independent country in the most important part of Asia (South Asia) with the independent central Asian states to the north, Iran, and Afghanistan to the west and India to the east. To the south of our country are the oil-producing Islamic Arab states. In this geographical situation, we can play a central (pivotal) role in different fields-political, industrial, commercial, cultural and military. Pakistan is a well known country in world after 911 attacks. Essay on Bright Future of Pakistan in English With Quotation.

Pakistan was recently given a title by united kingdom’s president that Pakistan is the country which is exporting terrorism in the world. Situation in Pakistan know a days are very critical hundreds of people are killed in Pakistan due to terrorism. Target killing, suicide attacks are very common now a days. People are no more afraid of these things they are getting use to it. Office worker in Pakistan has a fear that will they return home after a hard day at office. Students have fear will they return home safely after school. Everyone from a child to grown up carries this fear.

Essay on Bright Future of Pakistan in English

Essay on Bright Future of Pakistan in English

Pakistan has all the natural resources but these resources are not utilized in a right manner. In Pakistan from a bus driver to a president each and everyone thinks about them self’s it doesn’t matter what happens to Pakistan. The word Pakistan means pure but nothing seems pure In Pakistan. Higher level of political hierarchy are not honest in performing there jobs and are rampart in corruption. There seems to be no governess in Pakistan’s future as people are corrupted and dishonest to the local people and voters.

Pakistan is the country which is count in the third world and has very low level of development and due to 2010 Pakistan floods all the pipeline projects has been delayed. According to me floods have put Pakistan several years backward and we need to work very hard to compete with world. Economically, our country should advance rapidly in the industrial and commercial fields. We should set up huge factories in different parts of the country Essay on Bright Future of Pakistan in English With Quotation so that our labour force works to the maximum. We should construct huge and small dams across our rivers for a constant supply of water and availability of cheap electricity. The defence industry should be specially attended to. We should invite foreign capital suitably so that we may be able to have it invested in production centres. Oil and gas and other natural resources should be fully utilized (used), for the development of the country.

If the above political, economic and social conditions are fulfilled, our country will become a model for all the countries to her north, west, east and south. They will accept us as their leader in political, industrial, commercial, cultural and military matters as the West has practically accepted the US as the undeclared monarch (supreme ruler). For such a bright and glamorous (charming and grand) future, we need to work hard day and night sincerely and methodically, unitedly and steadily.

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