HEC Digital Library How to Get Access. Digital library resources have radical impact on the changing higher education environment. This study investigated the tendency of using DL including purposes, patterns, use of databases, e-journals and e-books that they use, DL usage places preferences, impact of DL on their teaching and research and the problems faced by faculty members at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, South Punjab, Pakistan. Digital Library is a collection of electronic resources that provides direct/indirect access to a systematically organized collection of digital objects.
HEC Digital Library Login
HEC digital library How to Get Access is a subscription-based service and can be accessed from subscribed institutions only. In order to facilitate STMU students and faculty, the University has availed the subscribed services of HEC to make it available through University’s network. Furthermore, University manages a rich resource of online ebooks/digital library on its servers. Accessing these online resources while studying from home during the pandemic has become a great challenge.
HEC Digital Library pdf
HEC National Digital Library (DL) is a programme to provide researchers within public and private universities in Pakistan and non-profit research and development organization with access to international scholarly literature based on electronic (online) delivery, providing access to high quality. Peer-reviewed journals, databases articles and e-Books across a wide range of disciplines. The e-Books support programme will allow researchers to access most of the important text and reference books electronically in a variety of subject areas. HEC Digital Library How to Get Access.
HEC Digital Library phd Thesis
In this fast pace world, the concept of e-learning is thriving. It is all because of the convenience provided by modern technologies like smart devices and high-speed internet services. Owing to the easy availability of such electronic resources, the concept of free online education in Pakistan also picked up the pace from the very beginning of the twenty-first century.
How To Download Books From HEC Digital Library
A structured questionnaire was utilized to collect data from the 120 faculty members from Faculty of Arts, Sciences, Education, and Islamic Learning. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics: frequency counts and percentages The study showed that the majority of faculty members of the Islamia University of Bahawalpur do not make the most productive use of digital library as they ought to be. Of 120 respondents, 20% of faculty members research followed by 19% for doing MPhil and PhD. 13% are shown to consult DL for teaching purpose and 10 % for guiding their research students.
HEC Digital Library How to Get Access
How to Use HEC Digital Library
HEC Digital Library works in collaboration with many national and international organisations. It helps it provide services like online research databases, e-journals, and magazine subscriptions. Pakistan Research Repository, IEEE Computer Society, and Chemical & Engineering News are a few fine examples in this regard. They have also partnered with EBSCO Information Services to provide free internationally-recognised medical journals. Online Digital Library
HEC Library Login Portal
The responses regarding the use of DL sources revealed that 24 % use databases, followed by e-journals by 23%. E-Books are preferred to use by 18% followed by abstracting and indexing services by 16% of faculty members. They have not been positively motivated due to some factors i.e. lack of computers, slow speed, overworked and electricity failure etc. It is interesting that DL use among faculty members in the Faculty of Science at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur is much higher than their counterparts in the faculties of Social Sciences, Education and faculty of Islamic Learning.
HEC National Digital Library
It is broadly used for teaching and research purposes. The other issue was lack any formal training about how to locate these resources by saving time and efforts, English language problem, and lack of access from home are found to be the major problems. The Islamia University of Bahawalpur needs to improve its IT infrastructure, including providing more computers at workplace and the library. It also indicates the needs for organizing formal digital literacy programmes for teaching the users the art of searching pertinent information on the HEC Library.
HEC library contact number
Help Desk
National Digital Library Program (NDLP)
For Correspondence & queries, please contact below:
Mr. Abrar Ahmed
Deputy Director
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 051-90401928
Mr. M. Asim Khan
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 051-90402437
National Digital Library Program (NDLP)
Sector H – 9, Islamabad
UAN: 111-119-432
HEC Website: http://www.hec.gov.pk
Digital Library Website: http://www.digitallibrary.edu.pk