My Best Friend Essay in English

A friend is just anyone with whom a bond exists and mutual affection forms a relationship. A person could have many friends depending on the social character and the ease of being relatable with others. At different stages of life, we need friends who are the same level as us in order to fit in but to some people, that is not an option because they believe in functioning independently. My Best Friend Essay in English for All Classes. It is said a friend in need is a friend indeed. An ideal friend possesses all the qualities of head and heart. It is easy to befriend anybody, but difficult to have good friends. I have also many friends but I like Zeeshan the most.

Zeeshan is my best friend. He reads in my class. We grew up together. Our parents were friends from college and so they progressed to pursue the same career and that is how they ended up in the same neighborhood because they work in the same hospital. His father is a doctor while my father is an anesthetist.

My Best Friend Essay in English for All Classes

My Best Friend Essay in English for All Classes

Zeeshan is a gem in his studies. Essay on My Best Friend | Best Ever Written Essays, Essay on My Best Friend for Students & Children. He is always first in our class. All the teachers are proud of his abilities as there is not a single question which he cannot answer or a single sum which he is not able to solve. He is a pastmaster of English language. He speaks very fluently and writes a good hand. He is a top class debater and can speak on every topic with full confidence. He won many prizes in debates, competitions and quiz programmes. He has one more quality worth the name. he has a high taste for music and singing. He knows by heart almost all the  filmi and on- filmi songs. He does not like pop songs. Gazals are his favourite field.

He always steals the attention of everyone when we walk together, which makes me invisible. We have very imaginative minds. Sometimes we just sit and plan our future and it is just amazing how he jokes about everything. He wants to be a doctor just like his father and he believes in humanity.

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