PEC Login Portal How to Register Pakistan Engineering Council

The Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) is a regulatory authority and professional organization that assumes a crucial role in the supervision and regulation of the engineering profession in Pakistan. Founded in 1976, PEC operates under the purview of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Pakistan. PEC acts as the guardian of professional engineering standards and ethics within the nation. Its primary responsibilities encompass the accreditation of engineering programs offered by universities, certification of engineering professionals, and the enforcement of stringent quality standards and safety protocols in engineering projects.

Login PEC Portal

The Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) is the government agency in charge of policing the engineering industry in Pakistan. Accrediting engineering programmes, registering engineers, and policing engineering standards are all under its purview. The PEC has created a site for engineers and engineering students to use online to make their professional lives easier. In this article, we’ll explain all you need to know about the PEC login portal.

PEC Login Portal How to Register?

User registration is required in order to have access to the PEC login page. The signup procedure is quick and painless. To sign up, please proceed as described below:

  • Start by going to the PEC website ( and clicking the ‘Login’ option.
  • Visit the login page and select the “Register” option.
  • Provide your name, email address, and phone number in the required fields of the registration form.
  • Select a login name and secure password.
  • Scan your passport or CNIC (Computerised National Identity Card) and upload it.
  • To finish up the registration process, click the “Submit” button.

PEC Portal Features

The PEC login portal provides access to a variety of resources meant to make the lives of engineers and engineering students easier. Check out some of the portal’s most important functions with me:

PEC Login Portal How to Register Pakistan Engineering Council

PEC Login Portal How to Register Pakistan Engineering Council

Registration of Engineers

Engineers can join the PEC and create a profile on the council’s website via the login portal. The signup procedure is straightforward and can be finished in a few minutes online. The Council provides its members with numerous resources, including as continuing education courses, job listings, and social gatherings, all of which are open to licenced engineers.

Accreditation of Engineering Programs

All engineering degree programmes in Pakistan must be approved by the PEC before they can be offered to students. Accreditation for engineering programmes guarantees that those programmes are up to par and will turn out competent and skilled engineers. Colleges and universities can submit their accreditation requests electronically through the PEC site.

Portal PEC Login

Verification of Degrees

Employers and other third parties can use the PEC login portal to confirm an engineer’s credentials. This is a great tool for businesses who wish to hire just the most skilled engineers.

Online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Courses

Engineers who are already licenced can access a variety of continuing education options on the PEC website. Engineers can take advantage of these classes to hone their craft and remain abreast of technological advances in their area. These online courses provide the continuing professional development (CPD) points necessary for engineers to keep their professional registration current with the council.

Job Postings

Employers can advertise engineering openings using the PEC login site. Jobs that are a good fit for licenced engineers are posted here so that qualified candidates can apply.


Engineers and engineering students in Pakistan can benefit greatly from the PEC login portal. Registration, accreditation, degree verification, continuing education opportunities, and job postings are just some of the features made available to professionals. Engineers can use this hub to learn new techniques, keep up with industry news, and progress professionally. We trust that this tutorial has helped you become familiar with the PEC site and all of its functions.

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