PMC Transfer Policy 2025 on Vacant Seats Rules. Pakistan Medical Commission has announced that the first-year window for transfer on vacant seats in dental and medical schools is now open. According to the authority, the public and private dental and medical colleges have permitted applicants to submit applications for vacant seats, which have been announced. “Any student who is enrolled at any dental or medical institution can transfer to another college that is in the same program, at the same level to fill a vacant seat that is notified that is available at the college, in accordance with any transfer regulations that the affiliated university sets,” it said.
PMC Transfer Policy 2025
The Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) has issued that it will announce the National PMC Transfer Policy on vacant seats for 2025 MBBS or BDS admissions. According to the announcement, PMC Transfer Policy 2025 on Vacant Seats Rules PMC has opened the transfer window for empty seats beginning on the 01st of April in 2025. But it is noted that the National Transfer policy is for first-year students. So, at present, students can transfer to any dental or medical college with seats there.
PMC Rules and Regulations 2025
PMC National Transfer Policy 2025 for MBBS and BDS PMC National Transfer Policy 2025 for MBBS and BDS Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) has released a policy to allow the transfer of vacant seats. The procedure that applies to all private and public medical schools will permit students to apply to fill seats. Students may apply for admission to any other medical institution within the same program, as determined by the university affiliated with them. Migration Policy Check Online
PMC Migration Policy For Foreign Students
In conformity with the PMC Act 2020, as well as The PMC Medical and Dental Undergraduate Education (Admissions, Curriculum, and Practices) Regulations, 2021 (Amended), The PMC Act, 2020 and the PMC Regulations, 2021 (Amended) stated that the transfer window for vacant seats would open starting on April 1st, 2025. The window will be open for the first year.
PMC Migration Policy
The PMC declared dental or medical college was student from leaving college or applying to transfer. PMC Transfer Policy 2025 on Vacant Seats Rules. On the other hand, colleges will not need a “no-objection” certificate (NOC) to allow such transfer. “Any restriction or preventing students from transferring is unlawful,” it said.
PMC Transfer Policy 2025 on Vacant Seats Rules
The commission also stated that colleges should publish the list of all students applying for transfer (to or out of the school) through their website. The commission added that colleges must release the students who moved to and from the college from which students have been transferred to the authority before the 30th of April.
PMC Migration Portal
“A school will approve no transfer to vacant seats until it is examined by the Authority to ensure that it is transparent. After reviewing the list of transfer applicants submitted by each college and resolving any complaints from students, transfers made on Vacant Seats are to be reported to the authorities,” it said. The PMC declared that all transfers to vacant seats for the second year to final-year students were allowed and could be handled according to Section 18 of the PMC Medical and Dental Undergraduate Education (Admission, Curriculum, and Conduct) Regulations 2021, (Amended).
Honourable concerned. My son has been migrated from Niazi medical college to Shahida Islam medical college according rules and regulations by PMC and UHS one month back because I’ll health of mrs. But till now NMDC is not giving original documents and advanced payed fee of third year. Now kindly guide what I have to do..
Aoa,can u please explain the migration procedure?